L'UEV Permanente

To succeed together in the implementation of networks that change the world, it is important to think about and formulate the conditions for permanent exchanges necessary for the development of an active European citizenship...a ​​Chance for Europe”

The European University of Volunteering permanent or without walls was born in 2008 . It can be an available tool for building active citizenship education partnerships.. The form given to this new VU – the original VU dates from 1991- is based on the civic practice workshops that some of its partners have experienced and in which it has actively participated as part of the activities of the Maisons de l'Europe du Pays de Gex, from Lyon, from Brest and Neuchâtel in Switzerland.


Aware of economic changes, social and technical implications of both the last two enlargements and globalization and the voluntary civic commitments they call for, AVE and its partners propose to revitalize the European University of Volunteering by :

  • the use of new modes of transmission of knowledge and discovery, (by broadcasting “sound – texts – images and remote participation of citizens” using new technologies allowing the virtual presence of remote participants, residing in their home states.)
  • the discovery by the greatest number (areas of volunteering intervention)
  • to make political and economic decision-makers better aware and understand the importance of the role of these citizens, too often silent and yet active and essential to the construction and maintenance of social ties and European identity.
  • to take into account the fact that today the impact of written communication is very low, all the INGOs seek the mobilization of the various actors of civil society by the use of the image. This use requires the implementation of tools distributed by video networks.
  • to confront our ideas and together enrich our experiences and hopes.
  • for the permanent animation of local structures and workshops, what is offered here by AVE and with its partners SOLI-TV. and Nicephore City.
  •  to revitalize the certain interest represented by meetings between European volunteers. This project will make it possible to carry out important and numerous exchanges between partners, significantly reducing travel and accommodation costs, through the use of new technologies, by ensuring a virtual presence of many volunteers and thus increasing the scope of decisions and reflections by greater working frequencies for all, by these means. The number of participants in the operation is no longer limited by material and financial constraints, because only the travel of officials for the cyclical meetings will remain, which will then remain necessary.
  •  to make full use of the potential conferred on us by the “Participatory Status of the Conference of INGOs” with the Council of Europe.


To play the role of interface between the Associations of volunteers, European associations, economic and political decision-makers … in order to be sources of information for civil society, with public authorities and vice versa, capture the proposals of external stakeholders.

promote the spirit of volunteerism to the general public, to turn consumers into active citizens, by including teenagers.

to help associations whose size does not allow their direct participation in European debates to access knowledge of the European economic and social conditions and possibilities of volunteering.

develop national and European reference groups on a large scale

Email :


Such : +33 (0) 628 250 172


Our role is to inform and create links between existing associations, to help the
coordination of their efforts, to value them, train volunteers, and to help voluntary actions with other associative partners, to develop the identity of the European Union.

AVE Association

Association for free volunteering in Europe

Siege - House of Europeans in Lyon 30048 - 346 Avenue Garibaldi - 69007 Lyon

Address - 137 Montleyssard road - 01660 A honey store

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