AVE is an association Law 1901 that works democratically (see the Statutes section) with a general meeting, a board of directors chaired by Odile BOISSON de CHAZOURNES, and an office. The members of the association are natural persons and legal persons represented by a voluntary natural person.

After reading the statutes and understanding who the AVE is, you can apply for membership using the membership form. Click here

The annual fee is 25 € . Except for students and people without work or income :€ It will be requested after acceptance of membership by the AVE office.

    I am interested in active solidarity

    I want to help even if I have little time available

    How to do ?

    contact us

    Email :

    Such : +33 (0) 628 250 172


    Our role is to inform and create links between existing associations, to help the
    coordination of their efforts, to value them, train volunteers, and to help voluntary actions with other associative partners, to develop the identity of the European Union.

    AVE Association

    Association for free volunteering in Europe

    Siege - House of Europeans in Lyon 30048 - 346 Avenue Garibaldi - 69007 Lyon

    Address - 137 Montleyssard road - 01660 A honey store

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